Kielich Kola
Drinking Mug
Mysticism of pagan rituals, voices of castles and the vibrant power of mediaeval melodies, interlaced with the energy, terrene malice and great heartedness of the bellicose ancestors. Pure acoustic music, performed by copies of ancient Belarusian instruments (except for guitar and flute), reflects artistic preferences of Belarusian medieval military class. Song lyrics are real words of medieval folklore in minimal adaptation. Compositions 1–10 are journeys to early Middle Ages where one can hear the sound of bagpipes (duda), harp, žaliejka, trumpet, flute, harp, drum, and tambourine. Such an old instrument as hudok is replaced here by a similar sounding hurdy-gardy. Compositions No 11–17 are devoted to the late Middle Ages where the music is enriched with such instruments as guitar and flute.
1. Zakliaccie
2. Balada
3. Laddzia
4. Pir
5. Tryzna
7. Tancy
8. Poŭnia
10. Vajtoŭna
11. Imža
12. Pachod
14. Liehienda
15. Brama
16. Tam za chalmom
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