
Jingles are small metal rattles (bell); hollow balls with a small solid ball (few balls) inside. It is fixed to a wooden handle.
Little plates - a set of small metal plates fixed to a wooden handle in several rows.
Plates are shock-percussion instrument with an indefinite pitch. Known since ancient times, met in Armenia (VII century BC. E.), China, India, later in Greece and Turkey. According to the iconographic sources known in Belarus since the XVI century.
Klomps are traditional Dutch wooden shoes. Normally used as a protective footwear. Stary Olsa band use them as a rhythmic percussion instrument. Produce dry, clear and precise sound.
Gong is a percussion instrument in the form of a flat brass or bronze disc, suspended vertically by means of 1–2 cords, which is played with beaters or a hand. According to iconographic sources, it is known in Belarus since the 16th c.